COVIDSafe in Australia | What Victoria’s New Rules Mean for Businesses

Written by superadmin | Oct 6, 2020 10:40:59 AM

Achieving COVIDSafe compliance just became even more complex. Like many countries across the globe, guidance in Australia varies region-by-region depending on COVID-19 cases. While some states and territories have seen no community transmission in several weeks, in Victoria regulators are now mandating additional layers of protection for workers in a range of industries – including food production, construction, manufacturing and retail.

What’s Changed?

The new guidelines cover a number of key considerations for keeping workers in these industries, who cannot work from home, as safe as possible from coronavirus: from PPE and cleaning, to commuting and shift patterns. There are multiple facets to creating this safe environment, and businesses across Victoria are now looking to establish new processes and policies to help make their workplaces COVIDSafe.

In particular, the new directions from the Chief Health Officer outline when – and how – employees should be admitted to their workplace. Businesses must take actionable steps to prevent anyone carrying COVID-19 from entering the building, with workers not allowed on the premises if they are feeling unwell or awaiting symptom-related test results.

What Do You Need To Do Now?

To help limit exposure to the virus, businesses must now require workers to declare the following before being allowed onto the premises:

– They are not experiencing symptoms of COVID-19
– They have not come into contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19
– They have not been asked to self-isolate for any reason.


Additionally, employers need to maintain adequate documentation of their compliance with the regulation, including comprehensive records of who was on site and when.

While contributing to a safer work environment, these new measures have the potential to demand an unprecedented amount of time and resource for employers to implement adequately. Manually screening each and every employee before they enter the building, and ensuring everyone has signed the appropriate declaration, will be an insurmountable task – and leading businesses are looking to technology to help minimise the time and resource of creating a COVIDSafe workplace.

How Can You Achieve COVIDSafe Compliance?

Through a simple daily self-screening platform, such as, businesses of all shapes and sizes can make employee symptom reporting quick, easy and consistent.

By prompting each employee to answer a short questionnaire on their mobile before their shift, our cloud-based platform automates your screening process to minimise the time and resource of meeting the new requirements – while providing a streamlined and highly effective solution to keep the virus at bay. Questions are entirely customisable, so you can ensure they align with both government guidelines and your own internal protocols.

Delivering an instant PASS or FAIL result to the employee, automatically updates records in real-time. Entry management staff, such as reception or security, can easily view up-to-date screening results to ensure only employees who received a PASS are admitted to the building.

The system is highly confidential, ensuring only nominated personnel can access the screening results – and never the specific question responses.

Our innovative solution also supports businesses to manage the documentation requirement. Screening results and entry to the building are timestamped and automatically recorded. Accurate records are made easily accessible to nominated personnel – so you can quickly provide documentation of who attended the site, when, and whether they had completed the mandatory declaration and self-screening. can add an extra layer of protection to your business and support you to meet the COVIDSafe guidelines: simply, effectively, and affordably. To find out more or book a free demo, get in touch with our team today.

Book Your No Obligation Demo

Talk to our team today about how our platform can assist your business with compliance.

